Many of you considering the camp may be wondering...
"What does the Communications and New Media major offer?"
"What does the Communications and New Media major offer?"
Well. Here's our take on the things WE like about our course!
- Related media theories that help us understand the new age metropolitan's media consumption
- Practical hand-ons modules to produce actual publications and creative materials (for people who like game and visual design :D)
- Learn about integrated marketing to utilise social media platforms effectively
- Equip us with the soft skills necessary for successful negotiation in the area of corporate communications
- Hone our situational analysis and critical thinking skills in handling campaigns and presentations
- Various opportunities (Luncheon talk, BBQ etc.) to speak informally with seniors and teaching staff
- Fun and unique games specially designed to reveal the different aspects of the Communications and New Media programme
You can also watch some of this videos to get a better idea of what CNM is about!
These are all made for a module in CNM! (NM3208 - Designing Content for New Media)
These are all made for a module in CNM! (NM3208 - Designing Content for New Media)
Here are some sample works from other modules!
Name Design
Photo Story
Poster Design
Postcard Design (with colour scheme)
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